TMC Environmental Consultant

Waste Management Solutions

The TMC waste management consultancy team provides access to almost 30 years of professional expertise regarding projects involving industrial waste management, including hazardous and toxic wastes, and municipal waste management, including solid waste management and landfill site management. In the area of industrial waste management and, more specifically, the area of hazardous and toxic wastes, the TMC waste management consultancy team has been involved extensively with the potential establishment of a central hazardous waste treatment facility in South Africa, in full compliance with environmental laws, and with a variety of projects involving industrial wastes, for instance, from the chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing and textile industries.

In the area of solid waste management, for instance, the TMC waste management team has been involved with evaluations of landfill sites for cross-leaching and compliance with environmental laws, the chemical effects of landfill leachate on a clay liner, mechanical-biological pre-treatment of waste prior to disposal to reduce pollution and achieve job-creation in rural areas, identification of landfills for the economical extraction and conversion of methane into electrical energy.

Typical services offered by the TMC consultancy team in the municipal solid waste management area are
  • (1) evaluation of new and existing landfills, including, emissions from a landfill, such as leachate and landfill gas generation,
  • (2) overall environmental evaluations of landfill sites, composting plants and transfer stations,
  • (3) environmental impact assessments (EIA’s) of landfill sites, composting plants and transfer stations,
  • (4) full spectrum of landfill design and landfill operations related services, including the design, setting up and monitoring of new landfill sites,
  • (5) design, setting up and monitoring of new composting plants,
  • (6) design, setting up and monitoring of new waste transfer stations,
  • (7) development and implementation of solid waste reduction/elimination plans for municipalities with respect to specific municipal solid wastes,
  • (8) compilation of integrated waste management plans (IWMP's),
  • (9) status quo assessment of waste management within municipalities,
  • (10) modelling of hydraulic behaviour and gas generation of landfill sites, as well as modelling of the financial feasibility of gas generation of landfill sites,
  • (11) assessment of outsourcing or privatization possibilities for waste management services at a municipal, provincial and national level and
  • (12) in line with the 2001 Polokwane Declaration, development and implementation of plans for municipalities around the country to achieve successful reduction in solid waste disposal towards zero waste, through the development of a step by step strategic implementation plan for the particular municipality, involving a first phase identification of and solutions to problems and hurdles facing the realization of these goals for solid waste management, a second phase involving the development of an appropriate strategic technological plan (which takes into consideration the findings and solutions obtained from the first phase of the project) and a third phase involving the implementation of the strategic technological plan developed in the second phase of the project.
Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Evaluation
Waste Management Solutions
Technology Transfer
Environmental Training Modules
Strategic Business Consultancy

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